About The Founder

About The Founder

With an already bulging portfolio of experience under her Gucci belt (having worked for several years for some of the UK’s best known high street brands) the concept for Charlotte Mills Bridal was conceived when Charlotte designed a bridal footwear collection for her final degree show. After graduating from the prestigious Cordwainers (part of London College of Fashion) alongside previous Alumni including the likes of Jimmy Choo, Patrick Cox and Sophia Webster, her ambition to launch her own luxury footwear brand was realised, and fast became a reality in 2014 with the launch of her very first collection.

Since then, a whole series of accolades have followed. Having showcased at London Fashion Week, Charlotte’s designs have been spotted on many a famous foot, not to mention being featured in some of the world’s most illustrious publications. With an engaged following of admirers, the business continues to blossom and bloom, sprouting new buds as every day passes, making Charlotte Mills one of the industry’s most revered market leaders.

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